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Voice For Health – Soccer Safety
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman

Read Voice For Health – Soccer Safety by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman to learn more about Family Practice of Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in Quincy, MA.

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Dr. FreedmanWhile soccer is generally regarded to be a safer sport than football, it has its fair share of collisions (with other players, the ground, posts, and the ball) that lead to injury and concussions. Among the most avoidable of these impacts involves “heading the ball,” which is an accepted passing, clearing, and scoring tactic. However, as effective as heading the ball may be in game situations, parents may want to weigh the risk of concussion and neck injury against practicing “headers” unnecessarily. As it is, the ball handling, quick stops, and directional changes associated with a game that requires long periods of running place a great deal of stress on the knee. Regular chiropractic treatment can help avert lower-extremity injury.

Life and its everyday chores, sports, stress and work activities can strain muscles that are attached to your spinal bones. If the bones stay twisted and out of place, or the muscles remain tight, this limits the motion of the bones they are attached to. The spine’s ability to provide the normal range of motion will diminish more over time. Removing these limitations is the only way to restore the natural movement and balance so your body can feel its best. To schedule an appointment, please call FAMILY PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC at 617- 472-4220. Our practice is located at 112 McGrath Hwy., Quincy.

P.S. Any existing misalignment of the kneecap or weakness in its supporting structures can increase the risk of patellofemoral syndrome.

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For Your Health,

Dr. Gabrielle Freedman

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