Archive for the ‘Voice For Health’ Category
Welcome to Family Practice of Chiropractic's Voice For Health Archive. Here you can learn more about Family Practice of Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Gabrielle Freedman, today's choice for Chiropractors in Quincy, MA. Read Dr. Gabrielle Freedman's Chiropractic Voice For Health for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - (617) 472-4220.
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Apr 26, 2018 | Voice For Health

When you experience a “pins and needles” sensation, feel tingly, or suffer from muscle weakness, you may have a “pinched” nerve. Also known as “radiculopathy,” a pinched or compressed nerve occurs when bone, muscle, ligaments, or cartilage press against a nerve. Aside from the potential for significant discomfort or weakness, a pinched nerve in the ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Apr 12, 2018 | Office News, Voice For Health

When patients suffer from elbow problems, the wrist and shoulder are also probably involved. Because of this, chiropractors are likely to make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan that takes arm function into account. While the most common sign of elbow injury is a loss of motion in the flexion/extension plane, the chiropractor’s assessment will also include the rotary movements and the functions of nerves and muscles. In addition, because elbow pain is sometimes referred from other sites, the chiropractor will include a thorough upper-extremity and neck examination. The patient will also be asked questions that will help ascertain whether the injury represents a single acute event or a longstanding condition.
Chiropractic helps to remove postural imbalances and structural misalignments that can accumulate in our bodies over time. It works by restoring your own inborn ability to be healthy. To schedule an appointment for chiropractic care, please call FAMILY PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC at 617-472-4220. Our office is located at 112 McGrath Hwy., Quincy. We accept most major insurance plans.
P.S. If numbness or tingling accompanies elbow pain, nerve involvement is likely.
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Apr 5, 2018 | Office News, Voice For Health

Simply stated, the term “gait” refers to the way a person walks. While walking may seem to be an uncomplicated activity, injuries, underlying conditions, or problems with the legs and feet can lead to an abnormal gait that can compromise a person’s mobility and health.
For this reason, chiropractors devote a good deal of their attention to evaluating the gait of their patients for signs of abnormal gaits such as “spastic gait” (dragging the feet), “scissor’s gait” (crossed legs that hit while walking), “steppage gait” (pointing the toes inward and scraping them on the ground), “waddling gait,” “propulsive gait” (head and neck pushed forward), and “limp.” Once diagnosed, chiropractors treat abnormal gait by determining and correcting the underlying cause.
A person’s gait can reveal problems in the feet, ankles, knees, and hips – even in spinal alignment. A problem with gait can indicate pain in a patient as well as serious conditions like diabetes and arthritis. To schedule an appointment, please call at 617-472-4220. We accept most major insurance plans which included but not limited to Blue Cross Blue Shield, Harvard Pilgrim, Tufts, Mass Health Standard, Neighborhood Health Plan, Medicare, Network Health. Our family-oriented practice is located at 112 McGrath Hwy., Quincy.
P.S. Because an individual with an abnormal gait may develop additional aches and pains associated with his or her walking pattern, it is important to address the problem.
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Mar 8, 2018 | Voice For Health

When there is the experience of brief, sharp pain across the face that seems as if it were an electrical shock, the problem is most likely “trigeminal neuralgia.” The pain, which may occur intermittently over the course of a few days, is caused by compression of the trigeminal nerve that is located on each side ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Mar 1, 2018 | Voice For Health

When engaging in strength training, it is very important to keep opposing muscles in balance. The fact is that each muscle group has an opposing muscle group that works with it. The muscle (or muscle group) that contracts and gets shorter is known as the “agonist,” while the opposing muscle (or group) lengthens and is ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Feb 22, 2018 | Voice For Health

As one might suspect, no part of the body is immune from the effects of aging. In the case of the discs positioned between each bone (vertebra) in our backs, “disc degeneration” is a common problem that is experienced by nearly 40% of the population age 40 years and older. According to a ten-year study ...