Archive for the ‘Voice For Health’ Category
Welcome to Family Practice of Chiropractic's Voice For Health Archive. Here you can learn more about Family Practice of Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Gabrielle Freedman, today's choice for Chiropractors in Quincy, MA. Read Dr. Gabrielle Freedman's Chiropractic Voice For Health for the health of it.
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by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Jan 19, 2017 | Voice For Health

“Kyphosis” is the term used to describe a curvature of the upper spine that results in an abnormally rounded back. Kyphosis can occur at any age and may be caused by muscle weakness in the upper back, arthritis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, spinal injury, “slipped” discs, or certain diseases. The most common form of kyphosis is “postural ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Jan 5, 2017 | Voice For Health

The only definitive way to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease is to find out if plaques and tangles exist in brain tissue, which is an examination that can only be performed after a person dies. In the meantime, doctors must conduct tests that assess memory impairment and other thinking skills, as well as judge functional abilities, identify ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Oct 27, 2016 | Voice For Health

While estimates vary, it is generally thought that, on average, people lose between one-quarter-of-an-inch to onehalf-an-inch every decade past the age of 40 or 50. These losses tend to increase more during the later years, with women generally losing more height than men. Much of this shrinkage is due to fluid loss in the gel-like ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Oct 20, 2016 | Voice For Health

If you spend a large part of your day sitting, you may be concerned about the ill health effects associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Research has linked sitting for long periods of time with an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, certain cancers, and early death. However, an international ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Oct 6, 2016 | Voice For Health

If you needed evidence that active children have a higher quality of life than those who spend hours transfixed before TV and computer screens, we have it. Researchers surveyed 2,353 students aged 12-17 years old and used a pediatric-centered quality of life index to examine their physical, psychosocial, and emotional well-being, in addition to their ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Sep 29, 2016 | Voice For Health

The sciatic nerve, the single largest nerve in the body, starts in the lower back and branches out through the spinal vertebrae and down the legs. If it becomes compressed at any point, the result can be searing pain that travels from the lower back down through the buttock and leg. This condition, known as ...