It may seem counterintuitive to tell arthritis sufferers to go out and exercise, but that is precisely what they are being told. While conventional wisdom used to make the case for slowing down and resting in bed, new research and clinical findings show that putting the body through its paces increases strength and flexibility, reduces joint pain, and helps combat fatigue.
By strengthening the muscles around joints and helping to maintain proper weight, exercise helps relieve stress on arthritic joints. The chiropractor can help get arthritis sufferers on their feet by increasing their body flexibility and improving joint mobility with manipulations and range-of-motion exercises. Chiropractic treatment can be the first step in alleviating arthritis pain. “Arthritis” describes many different diseases that cause tenderness, pain, swelling, and joint stiffness.
At Family Practice of Chiropractic, we can help you. For exceptional chiropractic treatment we invite you to call 617.472.4220 to schedule an appointment. We’re located at 112 McGrath Hwy., Quincy. We are able to adjust patients sitting, standing, or lying down to accommodate any level of discomfort.
P.S. Swimming is an especially suitable form of exercise for arthritis sufferers because it exercises muscles and joints without subjecting them to harsh impact forces.
For Your Health,
Dr. Gabrielle Freedman