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Voice For Health – Spinal Answer
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman

Read Voice For Health – Spinal Answer by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman to learn more about Family Practice of Chiropractic and our Chiropractic office in Quincy, MA.

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Dr. FreedmanBased on DNA analysis showing that humans exhibit a genetic difference of only about 1.2% with chimpanzees, researchers recently undertook a study of the spines of each. Their hope was to gain more insight as to why humans are so susceptible to back problems compared with nonhuman primates. They found that humans with a common form of vertical slipped disc (known as “Schmorl’s nodes”) had vertebrae shaped more like those of chimpanzees. Researchers speculate that humans’ predisposition toward bad backs may partly have been the result of learning to run before we could walk. Further research may help ascertain physiological differences that can help identify people with vertebral characteristics that make them more vulnerable to slipped discs and back pain.

Millions of people lead healthier and happier lives, free from chronic pain, simply because they have discovered chiropractic care. At FAMILY PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC, we believe a proper chiropractic spinal analysis and spinal adjustment are essential to your good health. For drug-free chiropractic care, we invite you to call us at 617.472.4220 to schedule an appointment. We’re located at 112 McGrath Hwy., Quincy, where we’re currently accepting new patients. If your problem is a chiropractic condition we offer you exceptional service.

P.S. When the cushioning pads of cartilage between vertebrae (known as “discs”) split and release a gel-like substance, pressure is placed on spinal nerves that can cause pain.

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For Your Health,

Dr. Gabrielle Freedman

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