As one might suspect, no part of the body is immune from the effects of aging. In the case of the discs positioned between each bone (vertebra) in our backs, “disc degeneration” is a common problem that is experienced by nearly 40% of the population age 40 years and older. According to a ten-year study of 197 individuals over the age of 65, participants’ disc height gradually reduced an average of 5.8% over the course of the study, with about 55% of study participants experiencing degeneration in one or two discs. In addition, study researchers identified three factors that increased the likelihood of disc degeneration: being female, having knee osteoarthritis, and having low back pain (when the study began).
The first step a chiropractor will take with degenerative disc disease is to determine if you have a true disc-related problem. At your initial exam, you’ll disclose your past medical history, and the chiropractor will determine areas of restricted joint motion, disc injury, muscle spasm, and ligament injury by performing a few simple tests.
To schedule an appointment, please call FAMILY PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC at 617-472- 4220. Our office is located at 112 McGrath Hwy., Quincy.
P.S. Although chiropractic treatment can be called upon to treat osteoarthritic knee pain, it can also help reduce or eliminate lower back pain, which decreases the likelihood that your discs will degenerate at a faster rate when you age.
For Your Health,
Dr. Gabrielle Freedman