“Piriformis syndrome” is named after the muscle that is part of the abductor complex on the inside of the thighs. The sciatic nerve exits the pelvis just below the piriformis muscle with very little clearance. When the piriformis muscle becomes injured or inflamed, the sciatic nerve is often subjected to compression and irritation, resulting in pain in the buttocks. One of the distinguishing characteristics of piriformis syndrome is that it is almost always worse while sitting because it exerts pressure right on top of the piriformis muscle. Because piriformis syndrome is caused by a short, tight piriformis muscle, a thorough chiropractic examination is needed to identify the cause (lack of stretching, weak antagonistic muscles, joint dysfunction, etc.) and treat it.
Your doctor of chiropractic is a uniquely trained expert who can help you with your pain problem. At FAMILY PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC, our chiropractic care is a natural, drug-free method of health care, and deciding to begin treatment often means the first step to a healthier, more active life. PH: 617.472.4220. We’re located at 112 McGrath Hwy., Quincy. We are able to adjust patients sitting, standing, or lying down to accommodate any level of discomfort.
P.S. Perhaps the most common cause of piriformis syndrome is “overpronation,” which is an excessive rolling in of the feet as a result of fallen arches.
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For Your Health,
Dr. Gabrielle Freedman