The deleterious effects that prolonged sitting at work can have on health have recently received much attention. Now, new research suggests that prolonged standing at work may pose its own problems. The study involving both men and women found that prolonged standing can cause fatigue, leg cramps, and backache. In the long run, this sort of muscle fatigue can lead to more serious joint problems and back pain. It was also noted that the fatigue produced by prolonged standing at work was not readily perceived by the workers themselves, causing researchers to think that many workers with standing-related fatigue problems will not recognize symptoms until they are well advanced. Regular visits to the chiropractor may help avert serious trouble.
Are you seeking treatment for work related stress and strain? At FAMILY PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC, you will only receive the finest quality care through the use of modern chiropractic equipment and technology. We’re located at 112 McGrath Hwy., Quincy, where we have a genuine concern for your well-being! Call us at 617.472.4220 to schedule an appointment. We offer computerized spinal scans.
P.S. According to the study mentioned above, younger workers (age 18-30) were just as likely to show signs of long-term fatigue as older workers (age 50 and over).
For Your Health,
Dr. Gabrielle Freedman