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Posts Tagged ‘Sciatica Quincy MA’

Welcome to Family Practice of Chiropractic's Sciatica Quincy MA Archive. Here you can learn more about Family Practice of Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Gabrielle Freedman, today's choice for Chiropractors in Quincy, MA. Read Dr. Gabrielle Freedman's Chiropractic Sciatica Quincy MA for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - (617) 472-4220.

The Root of Pins and Needles

Numbness Quincy MA Leg Pain

Ouch! Being pinched hurts, but to pinch a nerve? Ugh! That must feel like severe, intense pain – and it often does. “Pinched” nerves could happen anywhere in your spine; they can affect nerves that go to your arms, fingers, wrist, neck, back, shoulder, head, legs, muscles and internal organs, and can affect your general ...


Spotting the Unicorn – The Slipped Disc

Slipped Dics Quincy MA Disc Injury

Very often patients present in our office with what they have described as a "slipped disc". As with the fairy tale of slipped discs they are also searching for the magic wand to wave and fix the severe pain that is attributed to this "slipped" disc.  Thank goodness we are trained experts in helping you not ...


The Chiropractic Solution for Sciatica and Pins and Needles

Pin and Needles Quincy MA Sciatica

Have you ever experienced sciatica or pins in needles? Where the pain seems to radiate down your leg to your foot or down your arm to your hand and maybe into only two fingers.  These examples may not be the most commonly thought of when we use the term nerve pain, but it causes extreme misery ...


Sleep Well to Better Health

Sleep Well Quincy MA

Have you ever woken up after a full night’s sleep and felt more exhausted than when you went to bed? Of course you have, but what is the difference between good sleep and bad sleep? The difference is in our sleep cycle and most importantly about the REM our brain was able to experience during ...


Great Health in Stride

Sciatica Treatment Quincy MA

Get fit the old fashioned way!  While some fitness enthusiasts relentlessly seek out the latest, trendiest exercise crazes, many others are returning to good, old-fashioned walking to help them feel great and get into shape. Whether enjoying the wonder of nature, or simply the company of a friend, walking can be a healthy, invigorating experience. ...


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