Archive for the ‘Voice For Health’ Category
Welcome to Family Practice of Chiropractic's Voice For Health Archive. Here you can learn more about Family Practice of Chiropractic, Chiropractic, and Dr. Gabrielle Freedman, today's choice for Chiropractors in Quincy, MA. Read Dr. Gabrielle Freedman's Chiropractic Voice For Health for the health of it.
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by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Sep 22, 2016 | Voice For Health

While there is a great deal of research concerning what puts a person at higher risk for back pain (i.e., being overweight and sedentary), less is known about what exactly triggers an episode of back pain. To find out, researchers recently surveyed 1,000 people who had visited 300 different clinics for the treatment of low ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Sep 15, 2016 | Voice For Health

A “cervicogenic headache” is an unusual headache because the pain does not come from the head. Instead, this form of “secondary headache” (meaning that it is caused by another illness or physical issue) is “referred pain,” meaning that the pain is perceived to occur in a part of the body that is not its real ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Sep 8, 2016 | Voice For Health

Not only are opioid medications potentially addictive and liable to cause side effects (including sedation, nausea, and constipation), but they are also ineffective at relieving back pain. So says a recent meta-analysis that reviewed the results of 20 randomized, controlled trials involving 7,925 participants. Of these, 13 trials involving more than 3,400 participants examined the ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Sep 1, 2016 | Voice For Health

Sudden, shooting pain in the face that feels like an electrical shock is a symptom of “trigeminal neuralgia” (also called “tic douloureux”), which develops as a result of pressure applied to the “trigeminal nerve.” More common among women than men, the pain can be spontaneous or caused by stimulation of the face, such as when ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Aug 25, 2016 | Voice For Health

As it goes with the rest of the body, the intervertebral discs naturally break down as we age. This deterioration, known as “disc degeneration,” is due to the cumulative effects of normal, everyday activity and can cause pain in the neck and/or back areas. These are symptoms that are experienced by nearly half of the ...
by Dr. Gabrielle Freedman | Aug 18, 2016 | Voice For Health

When a person’s posture is “neutral,” the three curves of the spine (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar) help the body absorb stresses and the impacts of daily activities. Unfortunately, ideal posture is the exception, rather than the rule. As a result of poor posture, strain in the muscles at the back of the head, neck, upper ...