Koren Specific Technique
What is Koren Specific Technique (KST)? The procedure is made up of three steps (the 3 Cs):
First Step
The first step, challenging, is part of the analysis procedure. In a relatively short period of time, the entire structural system can be checked: skull, spine, discs, hips, ribs, sternum, shoulders, arms, legs, hands, feet – literally anything that is out of position can be analyzed.
Second Step
The second step, checking, tells me if the body part is in its proper position. The base of the skull is used as a yes/no device.
Thus we have a binary or yes/no system telling us if an area needs or does not need to be corrected or adjusted. This system is akin to muscle testing (applied kinesiology or AK), wherein a muscle will become weak when confronted with a negative impulse.
Third Step
Correcting, step three. When an adjustment is needed, the area is corrected using the Arthrostim™ adjusting instrument.
The ArthroStim™ is an FDA-approved instrument developed by IMPAC technology in Oregon. It has been continuously refined and perfected over its 22-year history. It introduces energy/force/information to the body to realign segments and remove nerve pressure at a speed of 12 “taps” per second (12 hertz); it is a fast, accurate, low force and controlled adjustment.
The ArthroStim™ gives patients a very specific adjustment, meaning that only the segment that is out of position is adjusted; there is no twisting, turning, or “cracking” of joints. This technique permits adjusting in different postures.
This is very important because sometimes a problem can only be reproduced in a certain position. For example, a driver in a car accident (sitting) may not reveal their spinal damage or subluxations when standing; therefore, they must be analyzed and corrected in the seated position. This is especially noticeable with people who suffer pain, neurological problems, TMJ, and other conditions.
Adjusting people in the standing position has the added benefit of working with gravity. I don’t have to say, “OK, please stand up and see how you feel,” because the patient is already standing. Their body can process the adjustment or correction immediately.
If you’d like to find out more about KST, you can visit Dr. Koren’s website.
Diversified Technique
This is the classic method of adjustment. Patients usually sit or stand while a chiropractor positions joints for movement. With a quick thrust and shift, the affected area is pushed back into the bounds of a normal range of motion. In some cases, the body is positioned in an overcompensating way to facilitate a more determined shift.
Thompson Drop Table Technique
This technique is both a chiropractic analysis system and a way to minimize the amount of energy needed to adjust the spine using a special table with drop-away sections.
Logan Basic
Logan Basic is one of the lowest-force adjustive techniques. Logan Basic Technique is a body mechanics system with special emphasis on pelvic and spinal distortions and the subluxations that affect spinal structures. Logan Basic Technique is a light force, full-spine adjusting procedure highlighting the correction of spinal and pelvic patho-biomechanics, which has been very beneficial for women during all pregnancy stages.
Flexion-Distraction For Disc Injuries
Flexion-Distraction or the Cox® Technic is a non-surgical answer for disc-related syndromes of your lumbar or cervical spine that utilizes a specialized table with controlled tension that gently stretches the spine, taking the pressure off the discs and joints, enhancing the natural healing process.
This technique has been medically proven to reduce pain and alleviate symptoms and conditions related to:
- Herniated/Bulging Discs
- Degenerative Discs
- Chronic Neck/Back Pain
- Sciatica
- Radiculopathy
- Arthritis or Facet Syndrome
- Spinal Stenosis
- Pre/Post Surgical Patients
About The Cox® Flexion-Distraction Table
The Cox® Flexion-Distraction Table is designed to alleviate the underlying problems that cause the pain and facilitate the natural healing of discs. With precise and painless controlled tension, the specific disc segment is gently distracted to reduce the pressure inside the disc.
It comfortably and accurately increases intersegmental disc space, providing non-surgical decompression of discs. Tears in the disc annulus can be repaired, and sufficient fluids and nutrients can be introduced into the nucleus to reverse the disc degeneration, bulging discs, and collapse resulting from an injury. Rehydration of the disc nucleus can restore disc height which relieves the pressure on inflamed facet joints.
It is a medical fact that damaged discs seldom heal on their own, as the discs are constantly under pressure. The Cox® Flexion-Distraction Decompression Table uses clinically proven principles to reduce the pressure inside the discs. Decompression promotes the transfer of fluids, nutrients, and oxygen back inside the discs and results in the retraction of bulging or herniated discs, providing relief of nerve pressure and pain.
Through recent clinical trials, utilizing MRI, pre, and post-treatment on a similar table, disc herniations were reduced by 10% to 90%, according to the number of treatment sessions. Patching and healing of the annulus were also evident.
At the conclusion of the treatment series, patients are given strengthening exercises to avoid repeat injury when the disc injury has been corrected. After only a few weeks of treatment, research has shown amazing results in relieving the debilitating pain caused by degenerative, bulging, herniated, or ruptured discs, as well as sciatica, posterior facet syndrome, spinal stenosis, and many, failed back surgery cases. Most patients can return to normal levels of activity or recreation in just a few weeks.
Facts of Life
- Surgery is Painful, Risky & Spinal Decompression is Safe and Painless
- Flexion-Distraction Therapy allows most people to work during the treatment.
- Spinal Surgery causes lost time at work.
Flexion-Distraction Technic in Review
- It is a Non-Surgical treatment that is Safe & Painless.
- Designed to correct the problem, not just treat the symptoms
- Pre-determined treatment period